Intellectual Property
All intellectual property rights such as registered or unregistered titles, business names, trademarks, patents, logos, designs, information, and methods on this website belong to the company operating and owning the site or their respective holders. These rights are protected under national and international laws. Visiting this website or using its services does not grant any rights related to these intellectual properties.
The information on this site may not be reproduced, published, copied, presented, or transferred in any way. Any part or whole of the site may not be used on another website without permission.
Confidential Information
The company will not disclose personal information provided by users on the site to third parties. This includes any information that identifies the user, such as name, address, phone number, mobile number, email address, and other personal details, collectively referred to as "Confidential Information."
The user agrees and declares that the company may share their communication, portfolio status, and demographic information with its affiliates or group companies solely for promotional, advertising, campaign, announcement, and similar marketing activities. Such personal information may also be used to determine customer profiles, offer promotions and campaigns tailored to customer profiles, and conduct statistical analyses.
Confidential Information may only be disclosed to official authorities if requested properly and if required by mandatory provisions of applicable legislation.
No Warranty
This provision will apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. The services provided by the company are offered "as is" and "as available," without any express, implied, statutory, or other warranties, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement concerning the services or application (including all information contained therein).
Registration and Security
The user is responsible for providing accurate, complete, and up-to-date registration information. Otherwise, this agreement will be considered breached, and the user's account may be terminated without prior notice.
The user is responsible for the security of their passwords and accounts on the site and third-party sites. The company is not liable for data loss, security breaches, or damage to hardware or devices resulting from negligence in maintaining security.
Force Majeure
If obligations arising from this agreement become impossible to fulfill due to circumstances beyond the parties' control, such as natural disasters, fires, explosions, civil wars, wars, uprisings, public movements, declarations of mobilization, strikes, lockouts, pandemics, infrastructure or internet failures, and power outages (collectively referred to as "Force Majeure"), the parties will not be held liable. During such periods, the rights and obligations under this agreement will be suspended.
Entirety and Enforceability of the Agreement
If any part or provision of this agreement becomes invalid, the remainder of the agreement will remain valid and enforceable.
Amendments to the Agreement
The company reserves the right to partially or entirely modify the services offered on the site and the terms of this agreement at any time. Changes will become effective on the date they are published on the site. It is the user's responsibility to follow such changes. Continued use of the services will be considered acceptance of these changes.
All notifications regarding this agreement will be sent via the company's registered email address and the user's email address provided during registration. The user agrees that the address provided during registration is their valid notification address and that any changes must be reported in writing within 5 days. Otherwise, notifications sent to the registered address will be deemed valid.
Evidence Agreement
In disputes arising from transactions related to this agreement, the parties agree that the company's books, records, and documents, as well as computer and fax records, will be accepted as evidence in accordance with the Turkish Code of Civil Procedure (Law No. 6100). The user agrees not to contest these records.
Dispute Resolution
The Istanbul (Central) Courthouse courts and enforcement offices will have jurisdiction over any disputes arising from the application or interpretation of this agreement.